Global Capabilities
In today's world, terms like 'AOG' and 'Program Hold' are ever increasing utterances within the complex world of aircraft design & development and flight operations. Future Jet Group's reputation for responding quickly and in whatever global theater is required - is literally our benchmark.
Responding to our customer’s requirements is not limited to any geographic sphere whatsoever. Our teams routinely launch and/or conduct the full program in locations from Beijing to Boston and Riyadh to Rome. We stand ready at a moment’s notice and can respond to locations anywhere in the world in 24 hrs or less – yielding “on the ground” applied solutions in the time it takes most firms to respond to the initial request.
Time is money and our response teams at FJG are keenly aware of that - placing on the ground response and readiment, as our top priority.
> one call. one solution....anywhere, anytime.
T O M O R R O W ' S A E R O S P A C E S O L U T I O N S